Frequently Asked Questions

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The definition of hypnosis is a relaxed, focused state of concentration. To some, the concept of being relaxed and focused at the same time seems an oxymoron, but hypnosis allows you to enter such a state of mind. It was presumed until recently that it was a sleep-like state, or that the mind was unconscious. Actually, there is a state which the brain enters into. It has been discovered on scans during hypnosis that in this state, the mind is highly receptive to suggestion. It is not an unusual or unpleasant state of mind; most people simply feel relaxed. There is an alteration in brain wave activity, called the alpha state. This is a very pleasant, relaxing state, but during which the mind is alert, responsive, and open to a rich sensory experience.
YES – Hypnosis is completely natural. If you’ve ever found yourself driving your car home from work on autopilot, or in a trance-like state when you’ve been watching TV, you’ve gone into a state of hypnosis. Hypnosis is simply getting access to your subconscious mind. Your mind is more accepting and receptive to change when under hypnosis, meaning you’re more likely to see better results and a more significant transformation.
Please Note: Never listen to Hypnosis audios while driving a vehicle or operating machinery
Absolutely, with all hypnosis & hypnotherapy, it still requires a desire to change initially. The session can be either in person, via Skype/Phone/Zoom or Pre-recorded, it simply needs to initiate the relaxation process first, then once they are in a relaxed enough state, gives the listener the suggestions and then re-enforcement to follow through after. Then it is a case of repetition and listening on a regular basis, until the suggestion becomes automatic and plays over again.
Please Note: For more detailed in depth Hypnotherapy, or dealing with more underlying issues or causes, I would always recommend a consultation and 1 on 1 session if possible.
Hypnosis is completely safe, and no, you will never “lose control”.
You will never experience any negative effects from being in hypnosis and you retain complete control over your experience. You can never be hypnotised against your will and it is not possible to be made to do anything you do not wish to do.
Hypnosis can be an extremely powerful tool, but it does require openness; your willingness to experience it and that you really want to make a change.
For example, if you give a hypnosis session for Stop Smoking to a friend who has no interest in changing their ways then it will not work. However, if you use it for yourself and you do want to make a change in your life then hypnosis will be a powerful ally, it will strengthen your mind, boost your willpower, and make you much more likely to successfully lose weight.
No. You are perfectly safe, you cannot get stuck in a hypnotic trance!
You drift into hypnosis every night on your way into sleep, every morning as you drift from sleeping to alertness, every time you daydream, and every time you watch a movie. Hypnosis is completely natural.
None of our Audio sessions use any religious language, or are designed to influence or alter your religious beliefs in any way.
Note: Seventh-day Adventists and some Christian Scientist groups do not approve of the use of hypnosis. If you are in any doubt, please check with the senior people within your religion first.
This is one of the biggest myths surrounding hypnosis. Stage hypnotists choose their subjects carefully so that they will have participants who would be willing to act outrageously. You will never do anything, or accept any suggestion that violates your morals or values. If that was possible, hypnotists could make you rob banks and bring back the money. The hypnotists would be rich and rule the world. Clearly, this is not the case. If you visit a hypnotherapist wanting to seek help with a phobia, and approach your session with an open mind and a willingness for the therapy to work, these is a good chance that your session will have a positive outcome.
Hypnosis works by relaxing you into a state where your brain shifts its activity.
The hypnotist causes this trance formation by using subtle hypnotic commands to put you into a mild trance, a state where your conscious mind is largely in-active, direct access to your subconscious mind can be gained, and positive suggestions can be planted.
Because of this there is no conscious resistance from you, and so changes can be made to long-held belief systems. Often those belief systems were not beneficial, yet they may have been so familiar to us that we would hang onto them and become “logically” defensive of them. For example you might have had a low self-image and want to change it, but your fear of the unknown, and relative level of “comfort” at thinking in this way made you resist against change.
However with the power of hypnosis, this logical, conscious thinking function is bypassed and changes are made from within – positive changes which alter your beliefs, how you feel about yourself, and in this example, ultimately your levels of self-esteem improve.
- You likely will experience better, rejuvenating sleep.
- You can expect more insights, positive thoughts and focus on your goals.
- You may notice feeling better during the day and begin to notice ‘feeling’ different.
The length of our sessions vary ranging from 5 – 45 minutes, but the majority are approximately 20 minutes long.
Hypnosis is simple and natural and we believe that you don’t need hours of hypnosis for it to be effective.
With all of our hypnosis sessions, you will experience some benefits after listening for the very first time. However, all of our albums have a longer term, more permanent effect – if you keep using the album.
One to two weeks may be enough to get most of the benefit and experience a lasting change in your life, but if it is an area which you have struggled with for many years, or perhaps an emotionally challenging area of change then continued use of the album is advised.
We recommend that you listen every day for the first week, then every other day for the following three weeks, for maximum positive benefit. Then just listen to from time to time when you feel the need. Preferably in the evening before bed.
The more you listen the more the hypnotic commands and suggestions get accepted by your mind and simply become part of who you are – changing your thoughts and behaviour on a deeper level.
It’s as simple as that, let the hypnosis reprogram your subconscious and unleash it’s full power
- We suggest you download the audio on to your phone
- Recommend listening at night, unless the audio suggests otherwise.
- If you are not able to at night, try first thing in the morning.
- Equally, if this doesn’t suit you, you can play it on your commute to work or when it suits you. However, NEVER LISTEN TO HYPNOSIS AUDIOS WHILE DRIVING A VEHICLE.
- Keep your legs and arms uncrossed, as this is open body language. Having your legs and arms crossed is typically a less receptive pose.
- Sitting or lying on your back is encouraged. Listening on your side is fine, but you may find this uncomfortable. When you go into a relaxed state of hypnosis the body tends let go.
- Try to avoid interruptions so that you can get the best from your session. We would always recommend that before you begin any hypnosis that you are in an environment where you are least likely to be disturbed. It would be best to take the phone off the hook, place mobile phones on silent mode or listen with headphones.
- Whatever time you choose, make it part of your schedule and don’t miss it.
You can work on up to two recordings at a time but it is recommended to only work on one recording at a time to give your mind one goal or subject to focus on.
If you have a good understanding of English, it shouldn’t matter that it isn’t your first language.
When you’re in hypnosis, your conscious mind tends to translate what is being said into your first language.
We currently accept Paypal and credit or debit card. If you do not have a PayPal account & wish to use your credit/debit card or bank transfer, please follow these Mind Series PayPal Instructions
You will receive your product automatically after you have made your payment. So delivery is instant. You will also receive a confirmation email with download link, once payment has been received. If you have not received this within 10 minutes of completing your order, please check your Junk/Spam folder
We take customer security very seriously. We adhere to the strict European GDPR guidelines. Our website has a SLL as shown by the padlock you can see next to our domain name in the browser. All payments are processed securely via Paypal.
You will receive an email with your download link and access to a page to automatically download your audio and instructions. If you have not received this email within 10 minutes of completing your order, please check your Junk/Spam folder.
You should have received an automatic email with your download link straight after your purchase (please check your spam / junk folder if you can’t see this).
On purchase you would have created an account, log in and you should be able to view the files there.
If you still can’t find your download links you can recover them with your order number. This will be listed on either your Credit Card statement, or your PayPal transaction statement (as well as on an email receipt directly from us straight after ordering). Then please contact us and we will locate your order.
Yes, you will receive an purchase invoice via email. If you have not received this within 10 minutes of completing your order, please check your Junk/Spam folder
Due to the varied nature of any form of therapy or hypnosis, it is not general practice to provide refunds based solely on results, however, should you have any cause for concern or are unhappy with the overall quality of the audio session you have received, Mind Series are happy to review any requests on a case by case situation.