Studies show that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men are on of diet, trying to lose weight, or watching what they eat.
25% of people who have attempted to lose weight have done so using at least 20 different diets, and 60% of all people on diets have regained the pounds they once lost.
The number 1 reason cited by and Express survey of 500 adults explained dieters fail when either they get tired of the diet routine! or the diet doesn’t allow them their favourite food, or the plan was too restrictive to stick with.
The results of quick-fix diets often don’t last, as many people fall back into old eating and lack of activity habits after the weight is gone, and it is widely known that the key to obtaining your ideal weight is to make changes to your diet and lifestyle that you can stick with for life. It is considered that the safe weekly rate of fat loss is between 1Kg to 2Kg’s per week.

Following preliminary initial research in the United Kingdom with Hypnosis for weight reduction, and in particular a program which utilised the concept Gastric Band Hypnosis, it was decided to survey the available quantitative data around this program (whilst awaiting the paper to be written following a clinical trial at Hull University) on a much wider scale, an international level, (that would also take into account possible cultural variations), and examine available scientific research into weight reduction and eating habits with a view to offering a better understanding and likely explanation as to why hypnotherapy for fat loss and in particular utilising the concept of Gastric Band Hypnosis may be such an effective solution to weight loss.
The Program
The Gastric Band Hypnosis Program is conducted with a client face to face or via an Audio session, which is designed to change how someone thinks and feels about food, to enable the client to adopt a new set of eating habits, by making some small realistic changes, that the client can realistically live with.
It is NOT A DIET, the clients eat what they want, but are trained to be satisfied on smaller amounts!. Portion control is addressed from the very first session, by utilising the concept of a virtual gastric band, the aim of this is not to make a client ‘think’ that they have a gastric band fitted, moreover it is a tool to get the client to respond to the instinctual signals, and stop eating when they feel comfortable.
Client reports varied experiences of this with many reporting no conscious connection with this element of the program, but they ARE eating less, many reports to only be eating A THIRD of what they were eating before.
The program is not reliant on the ‘Gastric band’ element being accepted by the client, although it is something that buys into the imagination, as the procedure also has numerous elements to address emotional aspects of eating, craving control, food choices, motivation and exercise, using metaphors for change and goal setting.
The average weight loss a client report is 4Kgs in the first week, with 1 – 2 Kgs per week after that.
Cost of hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy can vary in cost from between $60-160 per session or more, depending upon the area you live and the experience of the hypnotist, the length and number or sessions you need also.
Some will do a reduced price for children or a package offer for the likes of Virtual Gastric Band of $350-$600, as with MindSeries, as you are listening to a pre recorded audio session, we offer this as a one time cost, significantly cheaper than face to face.
Benefits of hypnotherapy
The main benefit of hypnosis is that it allows people to enter a relaxed state of mind where they may be more open to suggestion to help change certain habits. For some, this may mean faster and more notable results — but this isn’t true for everyone.
Studies show that some people may be more responsive to the effects of hypnosis and thus more likely to benefit from it. For example, certain personality traits, such as selflessness and openness, may make a person more susceptible to hypnosis.
Studies also found that susceptibility to hypnosis increases after age 40, and women, regardless of age, are more likely to be receptive.
Hypnosis is considered safe for most people if practiced in a safe relaxed environment, not driving or operating machinery. It is NOT a means for brainwashing or mind control. A hypnotherapist can’t control a person to the point of doing something embarrassing or something against their will.
Risks of hypnotherapy
Again, hypnosis is safe for most people. Adverse reactions are very rare.
People who experience hallucinations or delusions should speak to their doctor before trying hypnotherapy. Also, hypnosis should not be performed on an individual under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Additional tips for weight loss
Here are some things you can do at home to help your weight loss efforts:
- Move your body most days of the week.
- Try to get either 150 minutes of moderate activity (such as walking, water aerobics, gardening) or 75 minutes of more vigorous exercises (such as running, swimming laps, hiking hills) each week.
- Keep a food diary. Track how much you’re eating, when you’re eating, and whether or not you’re eating out of hunger. Doing so may help you identify habits to change, such as snacking out of boredom.
- Eat fruit and vegetables. Aim for five servings of fruit and vegetable each day. You should also add more fiber to your diet — between 25 to 30 grams each day — to curb your appetite.
- Drink six to eight glasses of water daily. Being hydrated helps prevent overeating.
- Resist the urge to skip meals. Eating throughout the day helps keep your metabolism running strong.
While Gastric Band Hypnosis may provide an edge over other weight loss methods or diets, it isn’t necessarily a quick fix. Still, research does suggest that because it is not a traditional “Diet” and allows people to continue to eat what they want, but are trained to be satisfied on smaller amounts. Portion control becomes a very powerful tool!
Your mind is very powerful and most participants feel it gives them the added motivation to stick to their plans, and the mental nudge needed, when moments of weakness come up.